Daily Audio Torah ~ Oct 24, 2022

Genesis 7:1-16, Jer 44:24-47:7, 2 Tim 2:22-3:17, Psalm 94:1-23, Prov 26:6-8

2 comments on “Oct 24, 2022 ~ Noah

  1. Sue Allen says:

    WOW❗ That song at the end was so amazing ❗ And very telling. What a witness and a testimony to the whole world. I could just envision it being song and performed with amazing choreography, visual and sound effects on America’s or Britian’s Got Talent Show. It gave me shivers with a deep sence of reverence and awe. I could feel lightning stiking and the thunder crashing down and rain pouring as the drums beat on. Ya’s warning of impeding judgment looming on. Noah, ” Get in the boat. Get in the boat.” Please disclose the song’s name. I would love for our Synagogue to perform it. Thank you. And thank you for this site. I have share it with many who are delighted with it. Shalom

    1. Dailyaudiotorah1108 says:

      The song was Psalm 94 by the sons of Korah. Here is a link on YOutube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_Zep3-pOo4
      Glad you are being blessed! Spread the word!

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