Daily Audio Torah ~ September 10, 2023

Deut 31:1-7, Isaiah 45:11-48:11, Eph 4: 1-16, Psalm 68:19-35, Prov 24:3-4

2 comments on “Sept 10, 2023 ~ Feast of Trumpets

  1. Lori Lange says:

    Dear Mrs Densmore: Yep you are so right your eyes are open.. There the spirit of Itzavel (Jezebel) is alive and prevelent with Big Pharma yes pharmakiah (witchcraft) !!! The jabs are something that curses people with serious maladies changes DNA!! Worse than the Witch of Endor!!..The Babylon the Beast with all the horns in Revelation I think is the United Nations I call the United Nazis… America must remove itself or we will be punnished also by YHWH Yeshua !!! The agenda 2030 is their plan to cull off much of the human race.. We have seen what happened in Lahaina Maui which I used to live on Maui almost 5 years.. Perhaps these jabs are connected to Ai: This is to turn humans into the new Nephalim (fallen ones) who are now a Plasma screens because of the graphene!! Also the LUCIFERace! These are the ones who’s names will be blotted out of the Book of life as they no longer will be human whom cannot be recognized by Elohim but robots with skin on… Their DNA no longer has HIS YHWH’S Signature anymore! I beleive the next jab with be the ones that permanently destroys and manipulates the human DNA!!!! DAARPA, HAARP, the 5g towers, EMP, EMF, RFW, and all the rest that are like these micrwave and radio waves are what will contribute to the total destruction of the human genome!!!😪🥺😨

    1. Dailyaudiotorah1108 says:

      We are on the same page! Stay current by visiting Newstarget.com, pandemic.news, naturalnews.com, TheGatewaypundit, Watch.org, ZeroHedge.com
      I also have a Telegram channel called War Room Report where news is shared there on occasion. But Praise God, we have his WORD, his plumbline of Truth, where we can hear the heartbeat of the Father and be encouraged and built up!

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