Spiritual Roots of Israel-Hamas Conflict

Spiritual Roots of Israel-Hamas Conflict

Israel is currently facing a battle on several different levels: There is a literal battle with boots-on-the-ground, the kinetic war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. There is also a spiritual battle that is being waged in the heavens. This teaching focuses on the spiritual battle. What is the spirit behind Hamas? How will Israel fight and overcome that evil and demonic spirit?

What is the source of the Jew-hatred that we see springing up all over the globe? The answer can be found by looking at the spiritual battle that is being waged right now over Israel and the Jewish people. The spiritual conflict is rooted in the relationship between Jacob and Esau.

Multitudes are in the valley of decision right now. Nations….churches… and individuals. As we go through this valley, God will be judging and separating the nations into Sheep nations and Goat nations. What is the basis of that judgment? Where does your nation stand? Where does your church stand?

Join me as we look into the scriptures to learn what the Father’s heart is toward Israel and the Jewish people. Then, listen to the passionate CALL TO ACTION and learn what you can do to stand with and support Israel and the Jewish people at this critical hour!