Redemption & Bridgebuilding: “Light up the Church” and Hanukkah Symposium!

Redemption and Bridge-Building: “Light up the Church” and Hanukkah Symposium

Today we interview Gidon Ariel, CEO and Co-Founder of He shares with us about the recent “Light up the Church” event that took place on Nov 9, 2023. Kristallnacht, or “The Night of broken glass” took place on Nov 9-10, 1938. Nazi mobs torched and vandalized hundreds of synagogues throughout Germany and damaged, and often completely destroyed, thousands of Jewish homes, schools, businesses, hospitals and cemeteries, and nearly 100 Jews were murdered. Now, churches and synagogues all over the world are redeeming this dark day in history and lights in churches and synagogues blaze all night long on Nov 9 throughout the world.

To learn more about “Light up the Church”, and sign up for next year, go to:…

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Gidon will also be co-hosting an online Hanukkah Symposium on Sunday Dec 10. This amazing Symposium will bring three Christian scholars and three Jewish scholars together to share on some rich topics about Hanukkah, including: *Hanukkah and the Land of Israel, David Haivri
*Light and Oil, a Messianic Miracle, Dr. Susanna Kokkonen
*Different but United, Abe Truitt
*Hanukkah lights for a nightly world, Dr. Robert Bleakney
*Hanukkah: Can Power and Holiness Co-exist? Dr. Faydra Shapiro
*How Jesus Celebrated Hanukkah, Dr. John Garr

You don’t want to miss this incredible event!

To sign up for the Hanukkah Symposium go to:

Finally, Gidon shares with us what can we do to stand with and support Israel and the Jewish people at this time. To help Israel during the War with Hamas, go to: